Author: Nicole Mones
- Lian G. Wei (1)
- IN: The Last Chinese Chef (2007) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: Apprentices have asked me, what is the most exalted peak of cuisine? Is it the freshest ingredients, the most complex flavors? Is it the rustic, or the rare? It is none of these. The peak is neither eating nor cooking, but the giving and sharing of food. Great food should never be taken alone. What pleasure can a man take in fine cuisine unless he invites cherished friends, counts the days until the banquet, and composes an anticipatory poem for his letter of invitation?
FROM: Lian G. Wei The Last Chinese Chef, pub. Peking, 1925, (1925), Magazine, Hong Kong
- Langston Hughes (1)
- IN: Night in Shanghai (2014) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: I reached the international city of Shanghai in July, with the sun beating down on the Bund, the harbor full of Chinese junks, foreign liners and warships from all over the world. It was hot as blazes. I didn’t know a soul in the city. But hardly had I climbed into a rickshaw than I saw riding in another along the Bund a Negro who looked exactly like a Harlemite. I stood up in my rickshaw and yelled, “Hey, man!”
He stood up in his rickshaw and yelled, “What ya sayin’?” We passed each other in the crowded street, and I never saw him again.
FROM: I Wonder as I Wander, (1934), Book, US
- NULL (1)
- IN: Night in Shanghai (2014) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: 一寸光阴一寸金
An inch of time is worth an inch of gold
An inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time
FROM: Chinese adage, (None), Proverb, China
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (1)
- IN: Lost in Translation (1988) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: Since the inner face of the world is manifest deep within our human consciousness, and there reflects upon itself, it would seem that we have only got to look at ourselves in order to understand the dynamic relationships existing between the within and the without of things at a given point in the universe.
In fact so to do is one of the most difficult of all things.
FROM: The Phenomenon of Man, (1955), Book, France